pot marigold card with seeds - calendula officinalis


Handmade A6 blank card with pot marigold seeds to send, sow and grow. Card, envelope and seed packet made from 100% recycled paper.

Cultivated in gardens since the Middle Ages, pot marigolds can be found growing wild in southern England and across Europe. ‘Pot’ refers to the cooking pot as the bright orange flower heads have long been used as a natural colourant in textiles, cosmetics and food products, including a cheaper alternative to saffron (although the flavour can’t be matched).

The common name marigold  derives from ‘Mary’s gold’, so named by early Christians after the mother of Jesus who supposedly used the flower buds as currency, while the Latin Calendula means ‘little clock’; referring to the regular sprouting of flowers in each month of the year. 

Used medicinally in ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Middle Eastern and Indian societies, calendula officinalis has vulnerary, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and antispasmodic properties. It’s particularly good soothing skin and is a popular component in natural skin care products. 

Marigolds are very easy to grow and make good companion plants for vegetables. They are rampant self-seeders, so once you plant them you’ll never need to buy seeds again!

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