illustrated borage card with seeds - borago officinalis


Handmade illustrated A6 blank card with borage seeds to send, sow and grow. Card, envelope and seed packet made from 100% recycled paper.

A symbol of joy and courage, borage can be found growing wild in wasteland, thriving in poor soil. A great plant for pollinators, the flowers offer a continuous supply of nectar throughout the day, attracting plenty of bees and butterflies throughout summer. 

Originating in the Mediterranean, the plant was historically believed to dispel melancholy and bring courage; considered sacred by the Druids, soldiers would consecrate their weapons with the star-shaped petals and drink borage-infused wine before battle. 

The flowers and leaves are edible, and have a flavour similar to cucumber. The leaves can be eaten raw in salads, stirred into soups or cooked like spinach. The best way to preserve the flowers is to freeze them in ice cubes which make a delightful addition to a gin and tonic or pitcher of Pimms. Borage leaves have a high concentration of vitamin C, and the plant has anti-inflammatory, mild diuretic, diaphoretic and demulcent properties. 

Note: Always consume herbs in moderation - excessive amounts of borage can cause liver damage. 

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